Fall 2019 Newsletter

Fall Fire Pit Party Saturday Night (7PM - 10PM)

Something in the air is stirring. Tumbling leaves, the smell of autumn pumpkins, caramel apples, and little beggars scurrying through the early evening. That must mean our annual fall fire pit party is coming up. Come join your neighbors November 2nd to enjoy the last few opportunities to be outside.
Join us in the Lambi's driveway Saturday, where we'll have the fire pit set up, marshmallows to roast, and hot chocolate to help warm you up. You may bring your own beverage if you wish or even treats if you feel like it. Stop by for a short visit or bring a lawn chair and blanket to spend the evening. We can open the camper to warm up the little ones if needed.

Neighbor News

Newcomers - Jake Plevnic purchased the house at 9926 Oakdell. Jake's second home is a travel trailer as he moves around the country working as a safety engineer for wind turbines. His girlfriend Otti Pineda and her best friend Kelli Sweeney live at the house. Otti is doing her internship at Blue Valley School District. She is a graduate student studying social work at KU. Kelli is a second grade teacher at Blue Valley. Both women like to walk their three boys (dogs), Bernie, Maverick, and Lou. Otti likes trying out new recipes and reading in her hammock. Kelli likes to do crafts and garden. Hopefully you can meet them at the fire pit party.
Wedding Bells were ringing joyfully when Jennie Kinsella, who grew up here, married her college sweetheart Garrett Heath. Jennie was a stunning bride and Garrett wore the largest grin as festivities carried into the evening with dinner and dancing. They were married at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Leawood on September 13 (yes, Jennie always wanted a Friday the 13th wedding). Guests were treated to a wonderful Italian dinner in the church hall. Of course as big baseball fans, one of the wedding cakes was in the shape of a baseball. Garrett will be finishing law school this December and will start studying for the bar. They plan to add to their family with another golden doodle to keep Ned, their first dog, company. Congratulations to this lovely couple.
Adios to Robert and Julisa Wheeler. If you see a moving van in front of their home this weekend, it is because they are heading south to Austin, TX for a job opportunity. Robert has been down there a good part of the year. Robert has served on the Home Association Board. The Wheelers will be missed, but Julisa's mother will be living in the Oakdell home. Hopefully they will have time to stop by the fire pit party so we can all wish them well.
Deck the Oakdell Halls! The oakdell neighborhood is delighted to host the first Holiday Homes Tour on December 14th. Join friends and neighbors for a progressive parade of homes and enjoy each other's company. Participants are invited to make sweet or savory treats. A simple form will be delivered to all mailboxes soon. If you are interested in participating in the Holiday Homes Tour, please complete and return the form to Erin Dreiling at 9930 McGee. More details to come!

Membership Alert

Oakdell Homes Association is a legally chartered non-profit organization whose membership is voluntary and was established to work for the betterment of the neighborhood. For many years, the home association has benefited from the financial support and membership of approximately half the households in the neighborhood. As we wrap up the year, Treasurer, Ben Wearing, informs us that the number has dropped significantly. Surprisingly, several residents who have been members in the past have not paid dues this year. We are hoping this is an unintended oversight and that residents appreciate the efforts of the association to provide benefit to the residents through these quarterly newsletters, hosting social events to allow folks to get to know each other, organizing neighborhood clean up efforts with our Dumpster Day, looking out for the interests of the neighborhood by providing representation in the South KC Alliance and our latest effort to replace the sign on 99th Street.
If you have been a member in the past, but have neglected to pay your dues this year we hope you will continue your support. If you have not been a member, please consider joining us in our efforts to keep the Oakdell Neighborhood a special place. Dues are $25 per year, $15 for seniors and payment can be dropped off at Ben Wearing’s home at 10018 McGee.

Sign Update

The metal for the sign has been ordered and should be cut in the next week. It will take another couple weeks to have some brackets attached and have it powder coated. Look for installation and dedication soon!

The new sign that will go on the East brick wall

Ice Cream Social

The weather cooperated this year giving us a beautiful Sunday afternoon for the Ice Cream Social. Many families showed up to share in mounds of creamy delightful sundaes with all the trimmings and homemade goodies created by our neighborhood bakers. It was sad not having our hostess, Gloria Shepard with us this year. She is missed by all.
Thanks to the bakers, servers, and Roger for hosting. A great way to wrap up the summer!